Your dream of weekend recreation can become your reality in Navajo County. Drive your sweet van up this weekend and relax on your very own land. Bring friends, family, dogs and toys, or just bring yourself and your tent. Don't be nervous to buy your first piece of land. We make it super easy and once you get started, you'll be hooked. (It's better than crypto.)
Property Details:
City: Winslow-Holbrook
State: AZ
County: Navajo
APN: 105-64-173
Zoning: A-General
Size: 1.25 acres
Taxes: under $10/year
Rancho #116 Lot 61
$100 down + doc fee, then $100/month x 40
Doc fee: $249
Note management fee: $10/mo
Plus prorated monthly taxes
GPS Co-ordinates:
NW: 35.06612, -110.99856
NE: 35.06612, -110.99801
SE: 35.06519, -110.99801
SW: 35.06519, -110.99856
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