Located north of I-40 and east of Sun Vally Rd in the Painted Desert, this property is a great choice for your weekend recreational adventures. Stay here and enjoy gorgeous sunsets, cooler summer weather, and access to nearby Petrified Forest National Park and the charming town of Holbrook, AZ.
Property Details:
City: Winslow-Holbrook
State: AZ
County: Navajo
Zoning: A-General
Size: 1.25 acres
Taxes: under $10/year
Rancho #80 Lot 69
APN: 105-55-181
$100 down + doc fee, then $100/month x 28
Doc fee: $249
Note management fee: $10/mo
Plus prorated monthly taxes and interest 8%
GPS Co-ordinates:
NW: 35.022313 / -110.038429
NE: 35.022313 / -110.037893
SE: 35.021420 / -110.037888
SW: 35.021416 / -110.038435
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